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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

ISPE Student Chapter

Assalamualaikum wr. wb. Alhamdulillah, with His blessings, we had organised the first meeting at the Kulliyyah of Pharmacy to form the ISPE Student Chapter on the 26th of December 2012. Despite the hectic schedule for our postgraduates and what with our undergraduates studying for the final exam, we had a reasonably good participation. THIRTY came!!! Madam Siti Halimah Bux was kind enough to grace the event. Her presence then and in future is instrumental. And now, the office-bearers for 2012/2013: President: FAHMI - PG Vice President: MONEM - PG Secretary: IZZATI - PG Treasurer: HAFIZAH - PG Committee members: Education: HANNAH NAJWA Industrial Linkages: NAZMI Membership: MASITAH Event: SYAZWANI Let's pray for a successful 2013! Thank you.

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